How To Fix a Tunneled Candle

Candle Intro ENGLISH

Last week I decided to give myself a gift and I chose this wonderful lavander scented candle. It’s from Germany, the smell is incredible, I was happy and all was well in the world until it began burning… and forming a tunnel!!

Argh, I was so frustrated. I’ve already lost beautiful, wonderful smelling candles due to this annoying problem. You know what I’m talking about, right? The candles that burn just in the middle, forming a tiny hole of light with walls of wax around it. I’ll show you a picture, just in case.


So, I started searching the web for a solution and came across a tip that seemed a little to simple to be true. But still, I decided to give it a try.

And guess what? It works! And then I wanted to share this amazing little bit of information with you, so you can help your candles to burn just right 🙂

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